full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kenneth Cukier: Big data is better data

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Big data is going to transform how we live, how we work and how we think. It is going to help us manage our ceaerrs and lead lives of satisfaction and hope and happiness and health, but in the past, we've often lkeood at information technology and our eyes have only seen the T, the thgncoeoly, the hardware, because that's what was physical. We now need to recast our gaze at the I, the iomfniraotn, which is less aparepnt, but in some ways a lot more iamrntopt. Humanity can finally learn from the information that it can collect, as part of our timeless quest to understand the world and our place in it, and that's why big data is a big deal.

Open Cloze

Big data is going to transform how we live, how we work and how we think. It is going to help us manage our _______ and lead lives of satisfaction and hope and happiness and health, but in the past, we've often ______ at information technology and our eyes have only seen the T, the __________, the hardware, because that's what was physical. We now need to recast our gaze at the I, the ___________, which is less ________, but in some ways a lot more _________. Humanity can finally learn from the information that it can collect, as part of our timeless quest to understand the world and our place in it, and that's why big data is a big deal.


  1. apparent
  2. information
  3. careers
  4. important
  5. looked
  6. technology

Original Text

Big data is going to transform how we live, how we work and how we think. It is going to help us manage our careers and lead lives of satisfaction and hope and happiness and health, but in the past, we've often looked at information technology and our eyes have only seen the T, the technology, the hardware, because that's what was physical. We now need to recast our gaze at the I, the information, which is less apparent, but in some ways a lot more important. Humanity can finally learn from the information that it can collect, as part of our timeless quest to understand the world and our place in it, and that's why big data is a big deal.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
big data 14
arthur samuel 6
machine learning 4
favorite pie 2
supermarket sales 2
smaller amounts 2
term big 2
small data 2
national security 2
security agency 2
martin luther 2
telltale signs 2
samuel knew 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
term big data 2
national security agency 2
arthur samuel knew 2

Important Words

  1. apparent
  2. big
  3. careers
  4. collect
  5. data
  6. deal
  7. eyes
  8. finally
  9. gaze
  10. happiness
  11. hardware
  12. health
  13. hope
  14. humanity
  15. important
  16. information
  17. lead
  18. learn
  19. live
  20. lives
  21. looked
  22. lot
  23. manage
  24. part
  25. physical
  26. place
  27. quest
  28. recast
  29. satisfaction
  30. technology
  31. timeless
  32. transform
  33. understand
  34. ways
  35. work
  36. world